Massey University Press
Massey University Press
344 page publication (Hard back)
344 page publication (Hard back)
Over the quarter century since it opened, Toioho ki Āpiti has been foundational for kaitoi Māori studying art at Massey University. Pioneering in its merging of mātauranga Māori, tikanga and Western art practices, their alumni includes some of the most successful artists to come out of Aotearoa. Editors Cassandra Barnett and Kura Te Waru Rewiri, have collated a beautifully illustrated publication featuring the kōrero of people who have studied and taught at the programme. Together with images of their work, valuable insights are provided into the legacy of Toioho ki Āpiti and the breadth of Māori artistic excellence it has cultivated.
Artists associated with Toioho ki Āpiti and featured in the book include Bob Jahnke, Rachael Rakena, Shane Cotton, Brett Graham, as well as Erena Baker-Arapere, Terri Te Tau and of Mataaho collective.
Published by Massey University Press
Published by Massey University Press