Client:  Awhi Co.
Deliverables: Matariki blanket collection 2024 (3 blanket designs)
The visual language of Māori fibre arts can be read across the disciplines of raranga, tāniko and tukutuku. Each practice requires a high degree of mathematical and cultural knowledge as well as expertise related to the plants used.
Kairaranga possess highly sophisticated design nous, including the ability to reverse, rotate or shift elements to create symmetry and asymmetries, scale, and in the case of kākahu, draping to contour the body. 
These blankets celebrate not only Matariki, but the achievements of the many kairaranga that have come before us. They honour our art of expression, adornment and identity. These designs have been  inspired by  taonga tūturu, kākahu that are many decades if not centuries old, and have been empathetically adapted to convey concepts relating to Matariki.

Kahika (kahurangi) draws on Tupuānuku, Tupuārangi, Waitī, Waitā, and Waipuna-ā-rangi, the whetū of Matariki which are associated with the natural world including the rain, oceans, forests, and whenua.
Te Kōkō (kakariki, pāpura) draws on the Pōhutakawa whetū of Matariki, which is associated with loved ones that have passed on. Our tīpuna are revered holders of mātauranga, wisdom, and cultural traditions. They connect us to the past and hold valuable insights into te ao Māori and tikanga Māori.
Ihirangi (paraone, kahurangi) draws on Hiwa-i-te-rangi, the star associated with our dreams and aspirations for the coming year. This design is informed by a traditional form of kākahu, the kaitaka.
It is important to acknowledge that these designs were possible because of  the taonga, designs and matauranga our tīpuna left us to collectively share and embrace. I also acknowledge Te Papa Tongarewa for caring for these taonga and kairaranga Isaac Te Awa who shared his knowledge which was fundamental to the designs.

The blankets were created and named along-side Awhi Co.

Photography: Hendrix Hennessy-Ropiha
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