Te Ahiwaru
Karakia memory cards (80mm w x 160 h)
In Te Ao Māori, karakia are a form of blessing, prayer, or chant. They’re an integral part of Māori culture; used to acknowledge spiritual entities, seek protection and offer thanks.
Karakia can be recited in different situations. The ones on these memory cards relate to te kura o te ahiahi, te kura o te awatea, karakia mō te kai, karakia timatanga and karakia whakamutunga. They’re often used to open and close important events, or when seeking guidance and blessings from ancestors and deities–playing a vital role as part of tikanga.
Each illustration takes inspiration from the activities the karakia relates to, such as traditional food sources, te tatai tūarangi, te wao ō Tāne and rongoa Māori.
These card designs were commissioned by Te Ahiwaru, mana whenua and kaitiaki of Ihumaatao, so their hapū can continue learning and engaging with karakia in daily life.

Te Ahiwaru
Qiane Matata-Sipu
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