Client: NZEI Te Riu Roa – Mōku te Ao
2, 2.5 X 5m illustrated banners
Mōku te Ao is based around eight pou; rangatiratanga, whakamana, manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, whakapapa, wairuatanga, kaitiakitanga and tikanga. Mōku te Ao underlies Te Riu Roa’s strategic thinking - the pou guide their work. As one of four designers from across the motu, I was invited to visually represent the concepts as large-scale pou for their Annual Conference Hui-ā-Tau in September 2023.
Theme: Tikanga
At the heart of every tikanga is humanity. In te ao Māori, tikanga refers to the customs, protocols, practices, and values that guide Māori behaviour and interactions within their hāpori. It encompasses a wide range of cultural practices, including social protocols, spiritual beliefs, rituals, and traditional knowledge systems.
This design acknowledges fundamental principles such as whakapapa, mana, tapu, noa, and kaitiakitanga. These principles help shape Māori values and guide people in their responsibilities to their ancestors, the land, and future generations.
Tikanga Māori is highly contextual and may vary between iwi and hapū due to their unique histories, customs, and dialects. 
Other pou designs featured are by Kaitiaki Studios and Ariki Creative
Photography by Naera Ohia 
Images courtesy of NZEI Te Riu Roa

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