The Dowse Museum - Nuku Tewhatewha exhibition
Culturally responsive design
Ko te tohu o te Rangatira he pataka whakairo e tu na i roto i te pa tuwhatawhata
The Nuku Tewhatewha pātaka is recognised as one of Te Awa Kairangi’s greatest treasures. Built in 1856, it is the only known intact pātaka of seven or eight known as Ngā Pou o te Kīngitanga that were carved across the North Island as symbols of support for the Kīngitanga Movement.
These story-telling graphics capture the iwi at this historical moment in time, incorporating aspects of te āo Māori and locations that surround the whakapapa of Nuku Tewhatewha.
Museum Director, Lead Exhibition Designer, Content Writer/Researcher and a Te Atiawa Cultural Advisor.