Alo Fā

Brand identity
Brand guide
Pattern design
Alofa, aroha, aloha, 'ofa and aro'a — words that embody the concept of love — are born from the root of alo fā. Alo Fā's Pacific ethos, existence and endeavors are all bound together by the power of alofa. It connects us to our atua, our kin, our heritage, our people, and our way of life. Alofa has the ability to rejuvenate and heal our Pasifika cultural fabric and peoples, providing a safe and nurturing space of vā. This restoration can only come from a place of love – love given, love received; love for the self, the other, the environment and the community. Alo Fā is symbolic of the four winds, representing the four pioneers of this social service, who journey together to create a space of healing from sexualised violence and its harm, focused on restoration, renewal and strengthening, all for the love of our people.
The Alo Fā identity takes inspiration from Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, the Pacific Ocean, as an enduring and dynamic cultural force throughout the Pacific and Aotearoa. This ocean links Pasifika nations to each other as well as connecting its people to the places where they have made new homes – here in Aotearoa. In this context, Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa not only speaks to identity, voyage and sustenance, but acts as a symbol of the human spirit,resilience and healing.
Alo Fā founders
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